2016 Seminar 1
The totalitarian state uses the corporate media to teach us how to live our lives in politically correct ways.
2016 Seminar 2
Totalitarian media disseminates inspiring education, mass literacy, social mobility and technological innovation.
2015 Seminar 1
People are guaranteed freedom from the false ideologies of the bourgeoisie and given access to the truth of Bolshevism.
2015 Seminar 2
State media disseminates politically correct ideas to free people from indoctrination by priests, capitalists and patriarchs.
2014 Seminar 1
The enlightened elite shall control the mass media to foster social progress through the dissemination of education and culture which can liberate the people’s minds from ignorance and bigotry.
2014 Seminar 2
The enlightened dictatorship protects the citizenry from bad ideas and dangerous influences by ensuring that the mass media is teaching them to respect the revolutionary government and to think in politically correct ways.